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Banned User
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎
Last edited by a moderator:


DFM Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
View attachment 1752
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎
Semoga berjaya tuan ✊✊
  • Like
Reactions: 302


DragonForce Esport
DragonForce Malaysia
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
View attachment 1752
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎
good luck ?

White OWLHat

DFM Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
View attachment 1752
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎


DFM Member
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
View attachment 1752
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎
Let's go, good luck?


DFM Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
Ulat Gonggok Gergasi
Ulat Gonggok Gergasi
Ulat Gonggok Gergasi
Ulat Gonggok Gergasi
Ulat Gonggok Gergasi
Shiba Inu The Silly
View attachment 1752
1) Have you met the requirements listed?

2) Who are you, what do you do, and how did you find our site?
☞︎︎︎I 3viL DraCuLa, Deepen The World Of It And Hacking From 2014. Previously Had Experience Staff Forum At (HackForums.net) as an instructor about the world of IT
-From the official facebook page of Dragon Force Malaysia

3) Do you have previous moderation experience?
☞︎︎︎Yes, I Have Experience

4) What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned since being at DFM?
☞︎︎︎The biggest thing I got.More confident in myself to share knowledge

5) Why do you want to be a staff member at DFM?
☞︎︎︎ To monitor the forum
☞︎︎︎ share my experience & knowledge to DFM users

6) What do you get out of being a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge of coordinating and monitoring

7) What will the community gain from you as a staff?
☞︎︎︎Knowledge and fast response

8) What is your favorite part of the site?
☞︎︎︎Remote Admin and Security

If you could choose the part to be simple, which one would it be?
☞︎︎︎Remote admin or security for sure

✔︎I am here to thank the DFM for giving me the opportunity to qualify for the recruitment of DFM staff. Thank you and congratulations Maju Jaya

Credit By ~ 3viL DracuLa ~
No system is safeシ︎
all the best